admin's blog
Happy Winter from the Big Wheel Biker Gang!
It's that time of the year again!
West Chester Big Wheel Pub Crawl - September 19th
Register by end of the day September 12th for a chance to win one of two big wheels being given away! Register at
Philadelphia Big Wheel Pub Crawl - June 6th!
New Online Store
Check out the all new online store, May 23 Online, with all your favorite big wheel items and more!
Save 20% off t-shirts, panties, and belt buckles until the end of May with coupon code: SPRING20.
"The Oval Office" Episode 1, Part 1
The very first episode of "The Oval Office" premieres today! Stay tuned for part two!
Check out Dave's Corner for the newest entry in his ongoing series, "Pros and Cons of Stuff Everyone Has."
Lost Interview of the Big Wheel Biker Gang FEATURING TEX!
Check out the latest video of the Big Wheel Biker Gang going way back to 2005 with Sheriff Tex!
Big Wheel Pub Crawls & Johnny Dynamite
The dates of the Philadelphia and West Chester Big Wheel Pub Crawls have been announced. Find out when by going to
Also, if you haven't checked out the new Johnny Dynamite website... What are you waiting for!? Check out the movie reviews, "Ask Johnny," and more at!