Big Wheel Blog: 

The preview would have you believe that there is some mystery in Gone. That maybe Jill (Amanda Seyfried) is crazy and her sister's kidnapping is all in her head. That is thrown out the window in the first ten minutes when they give you a flashback to show you that there is a mystery man that kidnapped her and threw her in a hole, so he most likely did come back and take her sister, Molly. Since the police never found the abductor or the hole, no one believes Jill and she is left on her own to save her sister. After learning early on that Jill is sane, you keep looking for some other twist to come along. There's detective Hood (Wes Bentley) appearing completely creepy, so maybe he has some link to the crime. No, he just creepy. There's the boyfriend who initially doesn't appear that worried and thinks maybe Molly just went out in the middle of the night to get really drunk. No, he had nothing to do with it. He's just keeping it classy by thinking his girlfriend is a drunk. There are some moments that keep you on the edge of your seat, but they fade quickly when you remember how you got burned waiting for the other nonexistent surprises in the movie. WARNING, SAVING YOU TEN DOLLARS ALERT: No the police aren't going to catch up to her and yes she is going to track down the bad guy on her own.