Big Wheel Ramp Jumping
Previously on Lost 2: Lost in Five Minutes
Happy Winter from the Big Wheel Biker Gang!
Dave T’s Pros and Cons of Stuff Everyone Has: Poops
Eat some food. Any kind of food you like. Wash it down with some water. Wait. Feel that sensation in your butthole that says “There are occupants in here that wish to evacuate your premises?” Go to a bathroom. Close the door behind you. Drop your pants and underpants. Sit on the toilet. Push down with your stomach while concentrating on your butthole. Stuff will come out. Stand up and behold the brown snake in the bowl (or the black snake, or the yellow thin snake, or the broken up water bits of unsnakeliness).
This is POOPS
It's that time of the year again!
Dave T's Pros and Cons of Stuff Everyone Has: Memories
The first time I kissed a girl.
The first time I sang onstage in a for-serious way.
The last time I saw my grandmother.
The first day of college.
The first time I touched a boob.
The twelfth time I drove across the Walt Whitman Bridge.
The day I got my license and drove by myself.
The second time I touched a boob.
The cold dark day when I realized I could never be a robot. Oh, October 8, 2007!
The only time I let Freddy Hiccups cut my hair.
These are MEMORIES
Dave T's Pros and Cons of Stuff Everyone Has: Debts
There are three vowels that, when strung together, mean something that sucks: I O U.
I'm talking about DEBTS
Don’t know what they are?
Merriam Webster defines debt as “something owed.” Simple enough.
The country is in financial peril. Subprime loans tanked Wall Street. At the moment I type this sentence, the national debt is $11,821,600,143,482.00! Almost twelve trillion clams. But not clams. American dollars.
West Chester Big Wheel Pub Crawl - September 19th
Register by end of the day September 12th for a chance to win one of two big wheels being given away! Register at
Dave T's Pros and Cons of Stuff Everyone Has: Jobs
Professional Fart Blamer
Taste Tester
Dancing Telegramist
Runaway Bride
Scrubbing Bubble
These are JOBS.
Don’t know what they are?
Jobs are things people do. Some are careers. Some are just ways to make money for food, clothing, and shelters. Some are responsibilities that don’t pay monies but are rewarding.