Crazy People LOVE Me

Fact: Crazy people love me. As evidenced in my last blog post, they are just drawn to me. I really don't know why.
Here's another story for you.
Fact: Crazy people love me. As evidenced in my last blog post, they are just drawn to me. I really don't know why.
Here's another story for you.
We scoured the web, well mostly Etsy, for the best (pronounced worst) gift ideas you should have gotten for your Valentine.
I take the train to work. I worked late yesterday, so I decided to go in a bit later today. I arrived at the train station after all the rush hour people, otherwise known as when the crazy people ride the train. I was "lucky" enough to have an encounter with one today.
If you name your state "New Mexico," you are just asking for old Mexicans to move in. I don't know why it has taken Mexico so long to just gather a hundred thousand or so citizens and walk across the border. What could the border guard really do? And it would solve so many problems. Arizona and California could forget about their immigration problems. It would free up that star on the flag so Puerto Rico could finally become a state. Maybe Mexico just has a lack of poster board and markers.
It's winter! So instead of sitting on the couch under a blanket, hit the slopes on your big wheel!